Swale at Concrete Plant Park in the Bronx
Zoe Allison, Plants
Kristin Bebelaar, Community & Programs
Tiffany Bohlin, Agriculture
Purvi Gargayan + Paxton Masengill, Design Team
Lindsey Grothkopp, Partnerships
Chloe Kellner, Docent
Katharina Kiefert, Docent & Photographer
Liz Lund, Water Engineer
Rocio Guerrero Marin, Plants
Michael Piesoti + Robin Smith, Design Team
Marisa Prefer, Plants & Programs
Subram Reddy, Onboard Projects
Dariella Rodriguez, Community & Programs
Rik Van Hemmen, Nautical Engineer
Leenda Bonilla
Lonny Grafman
Mary Mattingly
Amanda McDonald Crowley
Sequoia Carr
Jason Chan
Stan Cox
Elizabeth Demaray
Onyksa M. Domenech
Bram Gunther
Ashawnta Jackson
Claudia Joseph
Eugenia Manwelyan
Jono Neiger
Renae Reynolds
Dr. Julie Ramos
Craig Sinclair
Karla Stinger-Stein
Rita Sharper
Zoe Stokjovic
Casey Tang
Rand Weeks
Julie A. Welch
Laura Zimmerman
Biome Arts
The Bronx Museum of the Arts Teen Council
The Bronx River Alliance
Dwight-Englewood School
Eastern PA Permaculture Guild
Erb Food and Garden
Experimental Farm Network
Food Forest Farm
Friends of Brook Park
Kean University
Martin Ottaway
New York City Urban Field Station
New York Permaculture Exchange
North Creek Nurseries
The Old Stone House
Regenerative Design Group
Rutgers University
Project: Soils
Public Art Act Project: Soils
Space HL
S.W.I.M. Coalition
Stuyvesant High School
Urban Soils Institute
Williams Nursery
Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice
A Blade of Grass
AppleSeed Permaculture
The Awesome Foundation
The Brooklyn Borough President’s Office
Brooklyn Bridge Park
Earth Matter
Food and Nutrition Resources Foundation
Foundation for Contemporary Arts
King Marine
Miller’s Launch
New York City EDC
New York City Department of Parks and Recreation
New York Foundation for the Arts
Organic Recycling Inc.
Rolin Foundation
Sims Municipal recycling
THANK YOU to all of our 2016 Kickstarter Supporters;
we couldn’t have done it without you!
What supporters are saying:
Amy Holman
I forgot to check back and see how it was going. I'm so glad to be a part of Swale.
I'm so happy to be a small part of this important project in NY! Here in my part of CT we stop at our road-side stands, (fewer and fewer), and buy fresh produce..or step outside for blueberries, chives, and squash from our gardens. We forget the kids next door who've never picked a peach or an apple, or eaten a strawberry from the vine. I look forward to my seed packs. Grow Strong!
Finn Wrage
I am so happy that your Project was successfully funded and I'm proud, that I could take a little part in it !!!
I hope your Garden grows more and more <3
Kira O'Reilly
I am delighted this has realised it's funding goal, it's an inspiring and vital project. Wishing you all the best with it. Come and make it happen in the Baltic Sea when you have completed this phase of it.
amy anselmo
YES! Congrats Swalers. Can't wait to check out your project in person someday.
Christina McPhee
swale on!
Cami Davis
Congratulations !!!! GREAT news! GREAT project! Delighted to be a part of it!
Wonderful news - congratulations form al of us at MAISON 10 :-)
Jenna Bader
Congratulations!! I'm looking forward to seeing the project unfold :) Best wishes from Nor Cal!
Andrea Lepage
Great spot with Mary Mattingly about SWALE on BBC News!
Kathmandu Yogi
Really interesting project. Good luck with your campaign!
Hooman Koliji
Awesome! Great project for NYC and every metropolitan.